July is National #MinorityMentalHealth Awareness Month
In 2008, July was proclaimed National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month by the U.S. House of Representatives, in hopes of improving access to mental health treatment and services through increased public awareness. On May 5, 2013, the NAPA Mental Health Initiative was introduced on a monthly NAPA call, during which the idea of participating in NMMHA Month was introduced.
Join NAPA in this effort to raise awareness by using the hashtag #MinorityMentalHealth in your social media posts.
You can also tag the following Twitter handles:
@nned_net @NAMICommunicate @TheBalancedMind @NIMHgov
And the Facebook page for Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month at http://www.facebook.com/minoritymentalhealth.
Get your brothers, sisters, friends and family to also participate and take the pledge to take action and increase awareness of mental illness and mental health promotion while embracing the diversity of our community here.
You can also consider attending the following Webinar:
Our Strength and Support: Celebrating National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month
Presented by Bassey Ikpi (The Siwe Project), Ramey Ko (Partner at Jung Ko, PLLC) and Associate Judge at Austin Municipal Court
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
1 p.m. – 2 p.m. EST