NAPA Board Elections 2018

The application process for NAPA Board elections has begun! Available positions for the 2018-19 term are the Chair and Secretary.

Application Process: Send the following materials via email to Mary Peterson at
1. Vita/resume of both professional and fraternal experiences.
2. Statement (maximum 250 words) on motivations for running for a NAPA Board position.

Application deadline: July 31st, 2017.

Job Description for NAPA Chair

Position Description
As Chair, you work closely with the Executive Board on strategic planning of NAPA and the advancement of the AAGLO fraternal movement. The Chair represents NAPA externally and oversees the Board and a few Officers directly. A successful Chair will maintain strong communications with the Vice Chair, Secretary, Officers, our membership organizations, and other stakeholders.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Sets the strategic direction of NAPA with Vice Chair and Secretary
  • Presides over NAPA Board & Officer meetings
  • Plans board retreat(s) and NAPA Annual Meeting
  • Establishes new partnerships with associations and organizations
  • Keep organized, detailed records of all projects and documents
  • Develop initiatives as needed.


  • Monthly National calls
  • Monthly NAPA Board & Officer calls
  • Attendance at Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) Annual Meeting in December

Required Skills & Qualifications

3+ years in the NAPA-affiliated organization. Alumni status in member organization. Prior NAPA board appointment and service.

Preferred Skills & Qualifications

4+ years of volunteer board experience on National Board and/or related nonprofit and community organization.

Job Description for NAPA Secretary

Position Description

As Secretary, you work closely with the Executive Board on strategic planning of NAPA and the advancement of the AAGLO fraternal movement. A successful Secretary will maintain strong communications with the Chair, Vice Chair, Officers, our membership organizations, and other stakeholders.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Sets the strategic direction of NAPA with Chair and Vice Chair
  • Records minutes during NAPA Board & Officer meetings
  • Plans board retreat(s) and NAPA Annual Meeting
  • Keep organized, detailed records of all projects and documents
  • Develop initiatives as needed.


  • Monthly National calls
  • Monthly NAPA Board & Officer calls
  • Attendance at Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors (AFA) Annual Meeting in December

Required Skills & Qualifications

3+ years in the NAPA-affiliated organization. Alumni status in member organization.

Preferred Skills & Qualifications

4+ years of volunteer board experience on National Board and/or related nonprofit and community organization.

Mary Peterson
NAPA Administrative Consultant

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